Vyner Zine

On a small industrial street in East London, strange things are happening up at roof level.

A plume of pink smoke appears above the warehouse building occupied by U-Build and Studio Bark and when it clears, a strange wooden creature can be seen rearing its head above the parapet.

These are not the deranged dreams of a drunken Hackney reveller, but are behind the scenes pictures from a photoshoot with portrait photographer Vincent Dolman. He is capturing snapshots of the inhabitants of Vyner Street for a special zine, launched at the Victory Pub on Vyner aimed at bringing the community together.

The amorphous series of sculptures in the photographs were designed and assembled by U-Build and existed on the rooftop for one day only, before being deconstructed and reused in a subsequent project.

The sculpture is created from the 600 x 300 x 300mm ‘stage boxes’ which have almost limitless configurations. The smoke is a nod to these boxes’ colourful history, used as crowdfunded modular protest architecture by various activist organisations.

More on the Vyner Zine here