Storage, Furniture and Other Uses

U-Build is not just for creating beautiful building frames. You can also use it to create matching internal walls, storage and furniture.

Even if you are not planning to build your own house, why not use U-Build to create a bespoke design for your existing building. The individual U-Build boxes that make up the system are strong, durable, and really useful sizes for a range of common needs. See below for a few examples:

  • Furniture – Stools, benches, beds side tables, bookcases
  • Storage – cabinets, chests, tool boxes, under bed drawers
  • Internal structures – Steps, stairs, partition walls
  • Office – low level partitions, meeting pods, even desks

We have included a selection of images in the project gallery; we can also create completely bespoke shapes.

To find out more about the individual projects:

Box House