Photo Credit: Noam Hazan Design Studio

Photo Credit: Noam Hazan Design Studio

Photo Credit: Noam Hazan Design Studio

Photo Credit: Noam Hazan Design Studio

Photo Credit: Noam Hazan Design Studio

Global Community – A digital nomadic universal language

One of the great positives of the U-Build system is its ability to be shared globally without anyone or thing having to be driven, flown and dropped anywhere physically for thousands of miles. We are set up with a digital distribution system. Our files are generated by humans on computers, using digital tools to provide an efficient, paper free chain of communication. Once a building’s files have been sent, they can be downloaded, then cut into the appropriate physical components, hopefully local to the desired location, cutting out many miles of logistics and carbon emissions. This way, we can create a global presence with the help of technology and hopefully produce modular buildings that use a universal language, which can also be adapted to the local environment, using other local materials when available. 

Digital fabrication is not a new technological idea, however creating a global distribution network for buildings and architectures could be argued as something still in its infancy. As we learn, we grow and adapt the system. Thankfully it is modular, malleable and happy to change with us. In order to do this we require feedback and people to ask questions. Having a community of people engaging with U-Build, both in real time, on live jobs, and via online portals gives us great perspective on the systems capabilities and potential.  

This is also true of a growing awareness and presence that the same technology has created. A chance for people to meet us, virtually and connect with us on similar social platforms. It has meant our digital community has grown to over 20k followers on social media and we are being asked interesting questions from journalists and people intrigued about the system, from all over the world. 

We have been invited to partner on some brilliant projects where folks would like to use our system for community engagement and housing projects, to help alleviate shelter and safety concerns in war zones and show younger generations that a chance to create and build something is within their remit. 

Currently we are working with our friends in Ontario, Canada to develop the system in imperial measurements, for the North American construction industry. Starting locally around Toronto, we have created a dialogue with a local Architect and Workshop to produce the first U-Build in Canada. There have been some challenges with conversion, sourcing material and local regulations along the way, but the main hurdles of transferring our knowledge appear to have been achieved. 

To acknowledge some of the people we’ve been interacting with, we would like to say thank you to the following: 

ArchDaily for our award. 

Sublime magazine.

GARM magazine. 


Courier Media 

Mercedes Benz for their article and electric Van

Building Centre

Kirsten Dirksen at Fair Companies  

Daniel Titchener for a great video

Noam Hazan for the keen interest in using the system internationally. 

Thank you for promoting U-Build and helping to grow our network.